Friday, February 11, 2011

The Beginners Guide to Calling Coyotes

Thanks to the excitement that it offers, coyote hunting has become quite popular in North America. The purpose of this blog post is to provide beginners with a few tips that will help ensure your success at calling coyotes.

The first crucial step to being a success is scouting the area. Keep an eye out for signs such as scat and tracks to indicate that there are coyotes present. You might consider taking notes as to where you see coyotes repeatedly so that you can target these areas specifically. Seek out areas where there is prey that coyotes will be hunting such as rabbits, deer, mice, and so on. This will help to make sure that you are able find some coyotes.

The coyote’s sense of smell is amazing. For this reason it is vital to pay attention to the direction of the wind at all times and to make sure that you position yourself with the wind in your face or in a crosswind. If you are using one of the remote controlled callers available, position it upwind of where you are positioned, putting you in the perfect spot as the coyote circles. If it is possible, you should also keep the sun at your back so that the coyote has trouble seeing you or hidden in the shadows where you will be concealed from his view.

Thirdly, camouflage is essential for successful coyote calling. Blending into the surroundings is important. You will want to also make sure your face and hands are covered as human skin is extremely reflective and the coyotes will be able to spot you easily if any skin is visible.

Finally, the calling itself, and getting it right, is vital to your success. Items that are widely available today including the Foxpro Firestorm, the Foxpro Prairie Blaster, and the 100 sound Foxpro Fury Std. make it easier than ever to sound like a distressed rabbit, a coyote cub, or other animal that these predators will be on the hunt for.

These are just a few basic tips to help the beginner. Taking some time to study them and learn their habits will help you become a successful coyote hunter. Before you know it, you will be hooked for life! If you have any questions, like always, you are more than welcome to contact us. We love to hear from our customers!

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